it had:
- 2
main drive motors and gearboxes Ex
electric screwdrivers
- 1
door open & close motor Ex CD reader
track positioning motor
- 7
relays - to control the 3 motors plus one for
fast / slow mode
- 4
Floor tape sensors LEDs and photodiodes
monitoring returned beam
- 4
bumper switches standard micro-switches
- 6
Beacon direction detect photodiodes arranged in a
- 1
Beacon roof sensor standard micro-switch
- Object
detection - 2 laser pointers modulated at 1Khz
and under PC control
- Road
sign illumination - 2 LEDS one red & one blue
modulated at 1Khz under PC control
- Object
sensors - 4 photodiodes ( 3 behind focussing
- Hot
& cold can detection - 1 Melexis IR sensor
- Object
sensor sweeping 2 servos, one for right to
left and one for up and down controlled by PIC
- 2
16F877 PIC micro controllers on boards with
regulated power supplies running at 20Mhz and
doing 5 million instructions per second each
- 4
object sensor op amp based filters and amplifiers
- 4
laser and LED modulator circuits and 2 regulated
laser power supplies
- 4
floor tape sensor signal amplifiers &
- 1
PIC controlled relay board controlling the 7
relays through Darlngton drivers
- 1
Motor supply board with 3 regulators
- 1
regulator board cooling fan
- 4
battery systems one for each of the PICs,
Lasers, servos & motors
- 6
Display LEDs One on each PIC board & 4
others in a group
- Assorted
switches & loads of wire, nuts, bolts and
controls all the motors (via Darlington drivers &
relays), the beacon sensing (it measures highest analogue
value over a half second period), floor tape & bumper
sensing and provides the strategy and move sequences for
each phase of the course.
The other
PIC monitors all the modulated light and IR sensors and
works out whether an object seen is a nice one to home in
on or a nasty one to avoid. It also establishes its
direction and how close it is. It talks via a handshaking
protocol to the motors board to tell it what it is
All the
code is written in FED WizPIC assembler code. There were
1768 instructions on the motors board and 1249
instructions on the vision board.
switched on any of 15 tests can be run on either board to
check out the various subsystems.