Robots I have helped build:

This 4 wheel drive robot was built at KES school to take part in the March 2019 Pi Wars challenge. The Chassis was developed at KES school and used 4 independently controlled motors. It had ultrasonic sensors at the front, Infra red wallsensors at the side and infrared line following sensors beneath. A number of servo controlled attachments could be added to carry out specific functions, as well as a colour camera.

The processor was a Raspberry Pi, which as well as performing a number of autonomous challenges, could be driven by remote comtrol using a wireless gamepad. This robot competed at Pi Wars in 2019 and came 5th out of 35 schools.


This picture shows it with the space invaders attachment mounted on top, which was used to fire Nerf Gun darts at space invader targets to knock them over. The arduino uno at the top was used to control the servo which operated the firing mechansism. This pushed a Nerf darf from the bottom of the 5 dart cartridge into the path of the two red spinning wheels that ejected it out very quickly.