David Hannaford - Business and IT Consultancy |
Summary of career history, skills and competencies of David Hannaford
David Hannaford David is an independent Information Systems consultant who is a specialist in ensuring the appropriate use of new technologies to solve real business problems. He has particular technical expertise in project and programme management, systems and business analysis methods, database and knowledge based systems and many of the new technologies, but is concerned primarily in ensuring that business objectives are met through the development of appropriate strategies and plans for the effective use of Information Technology. He has particular experience in the Energy sector, having worked extensively with gas and electricity supply companies during the last 8 years on many aspects of systems provision and implementation for the new competitive markets. He has worked in the IT industry since 1969 and his early experience after graduating in computer science was in the field of power generation, followed by six years implementing and supporting financial applications in the City of London. Between 1977 and 1994 he worked as a consultant for BIS Information Systems and ACT Information Systems carrying out a wide variety of assignments including technical design support, system and product selection, methods implementation, project and programme management, business management, strategy and implementation work, methodology development and training in the UK and abroad. He carried out a number of roles including responsibility for running a successful consulting business centre, co-ordinating all Research and Development activities, and being represented on the European board of BIS Strategic Decisions, a Market Research company specialising in high technology developments. From 1994 to 1999 he worked as an Executive Consultant for Ernst & Youngs Management Consulting Services practice in the Business Transformation Group where he carried out assignments related to the introduction of new systems, business methods and technologies. Since 1999 he has carried out consultancy assignments in the UK, Australia and the USA relating primarily to the use of new technologies and the introduction of systems to support utility deregulation. The services that can be provided by him include:
His competencies include: